Our Partners
mccoy’s building supplies
Discounts on building supplies, expertise and advice, donations for our events, and proud sponsor of the Strong Foundations Fundraiser.
Bear Creek Homes
Custom home builder who provides construction experience, project management, boots on the ground and financial support.
Wilson AC & Appliance
A generous and at the ready partner for appliance needs.
capstone elecTRIC
Consistent and reliable support for electrical needs on projects.
Leinneweber Services
Whenever a portable toilet is needed for a project or service day.
Westerman & son construction services
When skid steers and loaders are needed, they happily serve.
Corridor Title
Property & title searches, volunteering when able, they are ready to help.
Monthly financial support and volunteer participation.
dripping springs presbyterian church
Financial support and volunteer participation.
home depot
Discounts on building supplies, donations for our events, all around team players.
DS Sherwin-Williams paintstore
Donations and discounts on paint and supplies for all our projects when needed.
Marsh & mihaly marketing
Digital, social media, and print experts that help us with awareness, outreach, and fundraising.
the city of dripping springs
All support the mission, but we work closely with the Planning & Development and Building departments.
cornerstone heating & air, llc
Rough grades, heating and air conditioning. They’ve been solid supporters.
Sunset construction
The go to partner for demo, septic systems, and relocations of mobile homes for us. Really makes it happen.
Dripping springs methodist church
Financial support and volunteer participation
Ds Hill country bible church
Monthly financial support and volunteer participation.
DS holy spirit episcopal church
Financial support and volunteer participation.
lOCAL nonprofit partners
BUSINESS & Individual Donors
Tricia Allgyer
Irene Anderson
Antoinette & Chip Andrews
Alisha Baker
Charlie & Melissa Baker
Ernie & Virginia Banasau
Richard & Cynthia Blanks
Fabienne Bollom
Janet Bonney
Bruce & Rose Broslat
Ross Van Burkleo
Nick & Jill Dalley
Dave & Becky Edwards
Ross & Kerrie Eubanks
Steve & Ann Fischer
Jim Graber
Jonathan Grode & Jayne Bird
Mark Hastings
Bill Hataway
Marvin & Gaylon Hecker
David & Karen Hoisington
Glenn & Anne Jones
Vick & Pat Kennedy
Ted & Leslie Keyser
Catherine Knipp
Cindy Krudop
Mark & Lisa Lander
Chuck & Tracy Lemmond
Timothy & Christine Lulfs
Jim and Nancy Marroquin
Beverly McGaffey
Arthur Mika
Carol Mogen
Sheryl Morton
Carrie Napiorkowski
Lynn Osler & Marvin Williams
Laura & John Payne
Scott & Yolanda Pearson
Phil & Jeannette Phillips
Ronnie & Mary Beth Pinkerton
Vick Pope
Charles & Robin Robinson
Marcello Rodriquez
Karyn Rogers
Mary Sams
Scott & Dawn Schenk
Jim Spry
Bruce Thevenot
Joe & Karen Thompson
Randy & Jule Tyler
Cliff & Patsy Ward
Michelle Williams
Dave Wilson
Marsha Young