Creek Road Project & Liza
When you have respiratory issues, the last thing you need is to live in a home that’s damp with mold. If you do and you’re 12 years old, you end up missing a lot of school.
Our Fall 2018 project focused on a family with three children living in a home that’s frankly causing health problems for everyone in the house. In early November, we demolished this three-generation family residence and moved a mobile home on to their property. This new home made a huge difference in the health of everyone. And for the 12-year old boy, it made all difference in his quality of education.
With the generous donations from our Dripping Springs community, we were able to bulldoze the current home, prepare the site for a mobile home, install a septic system, and furnish the interior.
We finished the project right around Thanksgiving. Take a look at what many of you helped create. During the dedication, Liza tearfully told the gathering that this was the first time in her 12-year-old’s life that he feels like he can have a friend sleep over. YOU helped make this happen and we thank you.